Important Announcement from Nelson House Training Centre ———
There are no training workshops planned for the Nelson House location in 2019 |
Since 2008, I (Margaret Nelson) have provided training workshops in my home training centre, Nelson House, as well as at other locations, related to Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) and the broader subject of Applied Metapsychology (AMP). Starting in 2019, I will no longer be providing training workshops at Nelson House. My goal remains: to bring awareness, training and excellence in skill development to new and experienced Applied Metapsychology (AMP) practitioners and their clients in Ontario. So, although there is a shift, I will still be providing various training services, as outlined below. |
Other Training Opportunities Provided by Margaret Nelson: |
1. I am available for travel to your location to train you and your colleagues/friends at your work site or other local site. The key advantage of arranging a workshop at your local site is to minimize travel and accommodation costs for each participant.
2. I am available for travel to remote areas, such as First Nation reserves, to train a group of staff members onsite.
3. I will continue to work with individuals as their intern supervisor and technical director by phone, email and online. This one-on-one supervision, case planning, and teaching is a rare opportunity for professional case supervision with a qualified, certified and highly experienced TIR/LSR/AE facilitator and trainer. Internship costs are quite reasonable and will be discussed openly with anyone who makes an inquiry. A one-year facilitator internship, required for certification, is currently $500 plus HST.
4. I will collaborate with a trainer intern who wants to become a certified trainer. We will plan a workshop at your location as part of your certification process. Note: I am the only AMP Senior Trainer in Ontario, and so I am the only trainer in Ontario who can train people to become certified trainers in this subject. A two-year trainer internship for trainer certification is $1000 plus HST.
5. I have developed a simple and unique approach to Case Planning. Interns and facilitators at all levels have been delighted with this new, highly workable approach. I teach my "generic case planning" to facilitators at all levels, enhancing their confidence and effectiveness with clients. This special bonus is provided to interns as part of any internship taken with me.
6. I am certified to provide training in all AMP workshops, including:
(a) Traumatic Incident Reduction workshops (TIRW, introductory pre-requisite for all other training) 4-day training
(b) Traumatic Incident Reduction-Expanded Applications Workshop (TIR-EAW), 4-day training
(c) Life Stress Reduction and Case Planning Workshop (LSRCPW),
4-day training
(d) TIR for Children Workshop (TIRC), 2-day training
(e) Life Coaching Schema Workshop, 2-day training
(f) Ability Enhancement Workshops (AEW 1-8); each of 8 levels is a 2.5-day training. |
Training Costs and Other Details |
Please contact me if you are interested in arranging for me to deliver a training workshop at your location. After a discussion of the unique factors in each location, a contract will be developed that details all the requirements for the training site and costs to train an agreed upon number of participants.
The cost for participants is usually significantly reduced for a local workshop compared to travel, accommodations and training at Nelson House (near Barrie).
Also note: there are other trainers in Ontario (and other locations in the world). Training workshops which are open to individuals are usually listed in the AMI Global Training Calendar.
Please contact me directly to discuss what possibilities exist for your on-going professional development and growth. Even with many barriers, my belief is that: "There is always a way to make something worthwhile happen." I am ready to help you. Let's find those ways, together!
Margaret Nelson MEd, RP
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